LoRa® connectivity made smarter with low-power, front-end modules
... specifications and new applications with a focus on smart energy, home automation, automotive, wearable and the industrial IoT market segments.
... specifications and new applications with a focus on smart energy, home automation, automotive, wearable and the industrial IoT market segments.
The new factory is set to open at the end of 2021. Lacroix focusses on embedded systems and connected equipment for automotive, home automation, ...
У публікації Обираємо дисплей для розумних пристроїв під керуванням ESP8266 з прошивкою NodeMCU / Lua ми розглянули наявні можливості і обмеження програмно-апаратної платформи NodeMCU, які необхідно враховувати при виборі дисплея…
Ring, the Amazon-owned manufacturer of internet-connected home devices, on Tuesday issued a recall for its second-generation video doorbell ...
Apple, when CHIP was launched back in 2019, stated a new protocol would "complement existing technologies." Connected Home over IP is based ...