Igor Piatnytskyi: Ukraine can be technology trendsetter
The concept of Internet of Things boosts efficiency of many economy fields as well as business processes; it drives transformational and incremental ...
The concept of Internet of Things boosts efficiency of many economy fields as well as business processes; it drives transformational and incremental ...
They are doing two things – though embarrassing, they are honestly selling their product and second, they are exploring the Internet of Things (IOT).
Smart locks are one of the most exciting prospects in the world of smart homes and home automation. As the smart speaker and home surveillance ...
The convergence, opportunities, use cases and challenges of Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) are highlighted in this course. First a general ...
Since its appearance, the Internet of Things (IoT) has completely revolutionized almost all aspects of our lives. Among present and potential numerous ...
It seems that the OS was designed instead primarily for Internet of Things usage. Remember, though that the CEO of Huawei's consumer business ...
Arm has altered its licensing model in a bid to attract more customers to its chip designs, improve its position in the Internet of Things market and stave ...
In another case, the Human Element team built multiple “internet of things” devices and an app to help remind patients to take their prescription for ...
The groups behind Mirai and variants of the Internet of Things (IoT) device infector are increasingly targeting businesses, with nearly one-third of ...
Серед галузей застосування ОС він спочатку назвав Інтернет речей, автономний транспорт, системи промислової автоматизації, а потім у ...