Киевстар запустил универсальный стартовый пакет “Smart SIM”
Тарифный план «SIM для устройств» позволяет использовать услуги мобильного оператора в разумных устройствах (IoT): сигнализациях, ...
Тарифный план «SIM для устройств» позволяет использовать услуги мобильного оператора в разумных устройствах (IoT): сигнализациях, ...
Whether it's personalized video emails, ultra-efficient customer communications through the Internet of Things or even immersive experiences using ...
Join Jim Bennett, Microsoft Azure Cloud Advocate, (aka.ms/iotshow/azuremapsgeofencing) to learn how to code geofencing applications with Visual ...
This year, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence-branded products were everywhere. From smart baby bassinets to sensor-laden sleep headsets ...
Now as CIO at Leeds and York NHS Partnership Foundation Trust, he thinks the Internet of Things (IoT) could be the key technology that helps ...
The internet of things (IoT) has moved out of the operational-technology shadows and has become a core component of most businesses' ...
Perenio IoT, чешский технологический стартап с центром разработки в Украине, объявил о всемирном старт продаж на Consumer Electronics ...
... become "smart" just because they are plugged into the internet - a better term for much of the technology we've seen so far is "connected home.".
As a result, many organizations with the most to gain from the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), particularly in the manufacturing, health-care and ...
If the futurists have their way, the internet of things will penetrate every room in the household and when not in the home, it will invade your wardrobe ...