Some want to boycott Sonos after the company killed support for older speakers
The outrage is certainly understandable and might even make ordinary consumers start to think twice about how deep into a connected home ...
The outrage is certainly understandable and might even make ordinary consumers start to think twice about how deep into a connected home ...
The internet of things is fraught with risks and uncertainties – but less so if you have experts holding your hand along the way. 6LowPAN, LPWAN ...
Savant, a leading home automation provider, has been growing its portfolio of smart lighting solutions over the past couple of years. Now the company ...
The first option potentially opens customers up to security headaches in an era where internet of things devices are routinely hacked. Sonos' second ...
... is another strong feature that gives the system a lot of potential to go beyond just home security and become an integral part of a connected home.
And will enable a quantum version of the Internet of Things. "Finally, quantum networks can be the most secure networks ever built – completely ...
But utility companies are finding solutions thanks to the Internet of Things. The IoT is making energy use more efficient, which should help relieve ...
Інтернет речей — це система, що об'єднує реальні речі у віртуальну мережу. Завдяки цьому ефективність їхньої роботи підвищується, ...
Совместно с водоканалами Украины Vodafone начинает пилотный проект «Умный учет» (Smart Metering) на базе сети NB-IoT. На узлы ...
Цікаво, що минулого разу, коли Жень Чженфея запитували про Harmony OS, він говорив про застосування її лише в пристроях IoT. А зараз ...