The Top PropTech Trends: 6 Technologies Disrupting The Property And Real Estate Industry
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to “smart” devices and appliances that are digitally connected to the cloud, constantly sending and receiving ...
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to “smart” devices and appliances that are digitally connected to the cloud, constantly sending and receiving ...
Aspagteq Technology has developed three prototypes with technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), BLE 5, face recognition, ...
In August last year, Microsoft reported that it observed a Russian state-sponsored hacking crew using Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices as ...
... and beyond, we can expect to see an explosion in numbers—think billions—with respect to 5G networks connecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
These are: wireless connectivity, the internet of things, big data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence and intelligent centralised control.
12 февраля Херсон встретит главное событие отечественного ИКТ- рынка — Международный Форум «Вокруг ЦОД. Вокруг Облака. Вокруг IoT.
... edge computing with cloud for marketing/sales, Artificial Intelligence with Internet of Things for cyber-physical systems). The majority of the people in ...
IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2020) Are you interested in presenting your research or innovation to IoT technical communities?
In case you haven't heard, the internet-of-things (IoT) is a pretty hot trend in technology. A 2019 report from IDC, IDC MarketScape: Worldwide ...
Cloud computing, autonomous cars, drones, AI and the internet of things create new opportunities, and new risks. After environmental risks, cyber ...