eSIM: що це таке? Які її плюси та мінуси?
А ще, електронна «сімка» може бути застосована до пристроїв IoT (Інтернет речей). Завдяки їй ви також зможете віддалено налаштовувати ...
А ще, електронна «сімка» може бути застосована до пристроїв IoT (Інтернет речей). Завдяки їй ви також зможете віддалено налаштовувати ...
5G and Internet of Things (IoT) make great partners, but their marriage is still in its honeymoon phase. Current smartphone users probably know 5G as ...
At a hospital, the Internet of Things (IoT) makes more sense than in many other places. Consider: The ROI of connecting blood pressure cuffs, bed ...
The widespread rollout of 5G throughout the world won't have an immediate impact on Internet of Things (IoT) adoption in enterprise applications, ...
The next generation of mobile technology is poised to have a major impact on Internet of Things (IoT) initiatives. Or is it? Those were just a few of the ...
Will it accelerate their Internet of Things (IoT) implementations? This special report from ZDNet and TechRepublic explores 5G's -- current and future ...
While 5G could provide a big boost for Internet of Things (IoT) roll outs, progress is likely to be slow: networking company Ericsson predicts there will ...
Employees are bringing their own Internet of Things connected devices to the workplace and could be putting organisations at risk from cyber attacks ...
According to a recent report published by Gartner, there will be 5.8 billion enterprise and automotive Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints in use by 2020, ...
... broadband services as well as allowing Orange to provide applications in areas such as industrial, internet of things (IoT), health and public safety.