The IoT brings targeted advertising into retail stores
The Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere these days, from smart houses to smart cities to industrial applications. And now it's coming to the coolers in ...
Стрічка радару галузевих новин Google Alerts
The Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere these days, from smart houses to smart cities to industrial applications. And now it's coming to the coolers in ...
"Who's in charge?" Trough keynotes, lectures, workshops and debates we discuss who has a say in data, networks and algorithms that inform and ...
С учетом внедрения в Украине 4G, развития услуг М2М и устройств, используемых для взаимодействия между машинами, Киевстар ...
По данным Министерства внутренних дел и связи, в Японии в 2016 году атаки на IoT-девайсы составили две трети от всех кибератак.
... що дозволяє державним службовцям зламувати пристрої, підключені до інтернету, — так звані IoT-девайси (IoT — інтернет речей, англ.
Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things right now. Updated: The Internet of Things explained. What the IoT is, and where it's going ...
Alphabet Inc.'s GOOGL 1.62% Google and Inc. AMZN 0.95% are taking early steps to expand into the electricity business, as ...
The Japanese government approved a law amendment on Friday that will allow government workers to hack into people's Internet of Things devices ...
At the CNET Smart Home where we test many of our connected home gadgets, there's a Family Hub refrigerator, a Samsung Q6 Series TV and a ...
It will run on smartphones, laptops, smart speakers, and other connected home hardware, bringing every part of the IoT and mobile industry under a ...