An ex-Googler’s new robot reimagines the future of home automation
Stretch is not a consumer robot that's ready to roll into your apartment and start doing the dishes, but rather a research platform that Edsinger and Kemp ...
Stretch is not a consumer robot that's ready to roll into your apartment and start doing the dishes, but rather a research platform that Edsinger and Kemp ...
... to enhance home automation and physical safety," Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, one of the researchers who designed the device, said in an email.
In fact, sometimes it can get away from us, and in rare situations it might actually turn out pretty well. That appears to be what happened with [superczar]' ...
This data collection is accomplished through the internet of things (IoT), a term we're likely all familiar with at this point. Recommended videos.
... Black Lives Matter protestors I've realized that the surveillance network we are worried about building with the internet of things is already in place.
Важным новым вектором развития для Twilio, доходы которой в прошлом году выросли на 62% до 1,13 млрд долл., является рынок IoT. C ним ...
... innovation under the “New Infrastructure” campaign aimed at furthering “the deep integration of the Internet of Things” and the real economy.
Як ми писали раніше, у світ вийшла нова версія прошивки NodeMCU для мікроконтролерів ESP8266. Оскільки наш сайт присвячено саме цій програмно-апаратній платформі, ми не лише пильнуємо і висвітлюємо новини довкола Lua…
Важную роль в получении информации о клиентах играет Интернет вещей (IoT, Internet of things). Исследования подтверждают, что ...
Крім того, на другий двійці знаходиться якась колонка, можливо, портативна, а можливо, розумна Mi Smart Home Hub. Презентація відбудеться ...