Is it time to pull the plug on old Z-Wave light switches?
There's nothing inherently wrong with Z-Wave in the smart home. However, we're starting to see light at the end of the tunnel for Project Connected ...
There's nothing inherently wrong with Z-Wave in the smart home. However, we're starting to see light at the end of the tunnel for Project Connected ...
This is because the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has been a focal point of industry dating back to the programmable logic controller of the late ...
Smart home devices. (Image courtesy of the Zigbee Alliance.) The initial phase of Project CHIP focused on IoT devices in home automation systems, but ...
Нові технології, такі як Інтернет речей (IoT), штучний інтелект (ШI) та паливні елементи також сприятимуть подальшому переходу до ...
Відповідь: При підключенні пристроїв (як-от кнопки чи світлодіоди), NodeMCU / ESP8266 перестав запускатися та іноді світиться синій світлодіод на модулі ESP8266-12. Ймовірною причиною може бути порушення у послідовності запуску контролера,…
But for all the fun that such items can bring, there is a risk — poorly-secured Internet of Things toys can be turned into convenient tools for hackers.
... energy networks can be attacked by ransomware aimed at exploiting vulnerabilities in systems adapted for the Internet of Things — the expanding ...
CRN looks at industrial IoT startups that made big moves this year, between new funding rounds, product launches, partnerships and executive hires.
Device manufacturers were quick to capitalize on the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the possibilities of what could be accomplished if so-called ...
... innovations in cloud-based data analysis and internet of things (IoT) technology is the development of digital twins. As the name suggests, these are ...