Risky business: how to keep your Intellectual Property safe
The internet of things - a world where devices, gadgets, and machines are all hooked up to the web so they can communicate with us and each other.
The internet of things - a world where devices, gadgets, and machines are all hooked up to the web so they can communicate with us and each other.
... quality control and other roles that paved the way to her current role, as well as an earlier data scientist role within Intel's Internet of Things group.
Adesto Technologies Corporation, a provider of application-specific semiconductors and systems for the Internet of Things (IoT), recently announced it ...
NXP has a gigahertz-powered microcontroller! NXP has announced a microcontroller — traditionally a super-low-powered processor designed for ...
Интернет вещей - главный тренд нашего времени, поэтому автор этой книги рассказывает, как все будет развиваться в ближайшие годы, ...
If the internet of things (IoT) is going to live up to its potential, those “things” had better be smart. Yingyan Lin and her collaborators are on the case.
... of the cloud computing market, 75% of all patents related to blockchain technologies, and 50% of global spending on the Internet of Things (IoT).
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a core technology for the digital world. It unlocks tremendous value for people, organisations and governments.
Дисплеи ViewBoard IFP70 были разработаны с учетом поддержки технологии IoT (Internet of Things) и сертифицированы для Microsoft Azure ...
Леонид Хацкевич, председатель IoT направления в 482.solutions, познакомит с технологией блокчейна в экономике роботов и перспективами ...