Google Assistant updates unify the smart home and make it smarter
After showing off plans for ambient computing and on-device voice processing at Google I/O in May, Google began to deliver on those strategies.
After showing off plans for ambient computing and on-device voice processing at Google I/O in May, Google began to deliver on those strategies.
After deploying more than 50 honeypots worldwide, Kaspersky detected 105 million attacks on Internet of Things (IoT) devices from 276,000 unique IP ...
“Signal strength” isn't necessarily the greatest selling point of Wi-Fi 6, though; in fact, the Wi-Fi Alliance pitches it as ideal for internet of things (IoT) ...
IFTTT support provides smart home automation with smart IoT devices and easy access to popular streaming services through the Optoma ...
Nest Wifi will have Bluetooth Low Energy and Thread radios onboard, although the Thread radio is not currently active. (Thread is an Internet of Things ...
C.E.D.'s annual event series was supported by over 35 AV, security, networking, and home automation manufacturers including KLH, LG, Samsung, ...
Компания "IoT Ukraine" объявила о завершении второй фазы строительства национальной профессиональной сети операторского класса ...
The system uses artificial intelligence and the internet of things to help keep firefighters safe using a device the size of a smartphone that is strapped to ...
These include blockchain, sensor technology, the Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence to create a more digital, traceable, and safer food system ...
However, none of this would exist if it weren't for the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) – it has transformed the way humans and devices connect ...