Huawei just confirmed some info about its mobile OS, but it would rather use Android on phones
Liang also said that Hongmeng was meant for Internet of Things (IoT) applications and that Huawei still prefers Google's Android for smartphones.
Liang also said that Hongmeng was meant for Internet of Things (IoT) applications and that Huawei still prefers Google's Android for smartphones.
By allowing all of your Internet of Things devices to talk at once, with the router playing air traffic control, making sure one device doesn't hog all of the ...
We also use AI in the Internet of Things world because it's very difficult to find and fingerprint a camera or an MRI machine. Conventional techniques ...
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Catchphrases catch on, at least in principle. Take the Internet of Things or IoT. It's easy for people to understand what it is. The internet, but for ...